expats, finland, interviews, mindfulness, self-care, working mom

From design to yoga and well-being: my friend Stefania’s story

I have always felt fascinated by stories of people who have the courage to question and take a huge turn in how they live. I am currently going through a similar phase, wondering how exactly I want to spend the rest of my life and what changes I ought to make. I have changed several things so far and even the small ones took courage, effort, commitment. I cannot say I have turned any table yet! Today I want to share the story of a woman I’m privileged to call my friend. She was born and raised in Italy, like myself, and has been living in Finland for the past seven years, another thing we share. Her name is Stefania.

We reconnected not long ago and I found out that she had radically changed her career and her lifestyle. We met over lunch and I got so hooked on her inspirational story that I asked if I could share it here on my blog.


Meet Stefania. (Pic: Stefania Yoga & Wellness)

Stefania lives with her Finnish husband in Helsinki. They have two lively young children who speak Italian and Finnish. Until last year, she used to work in sales in a design company, struggling to balance a full-time job and family – I know very well what that’s about! She didn’t feel fulfilled at her workplace, but couldn’t easily see any alternative. Then one day, after a snowboarding accident, she was forced on a sick leave and got some time to think what her next move would be. The stress she accumulated in the previous years and her health issues put her moods down, but she found genuine solace in practicing yoga. She questioned her lifestyle and forced herself to define what her life purpose truly was. What was her place in the universe? This part fascinates me terribly, as I recently did the same thing and I know how deeply liberating the passage is. Not long ago I read the fantastic book by Rachel Hollis Girl Wash Your Face (if you haven’t yet, log in to your Amazon account and buy it, I’ll wait for you). Rachel does a great job at inspiring and empowering fellow women and she always says write it down or say it out loud. There’s an incredible power in formulating in words what your goal or purpose is. You may need help in pinpointing it – I know I did – because it may be buried under loads and loads of negative thoughts, undermining comments, anxiety, feminine natural tendency of self-sacrifice. But once you find your life purpose, once you say the words and they click perfectly, you cannot go back. It may take some more time adjusting your life to pursue it – my current phase – but for the first time you know exactly what direction to head to and what is side-tracking you.


Pic: Stefania Yoga and Wellness

Back to Stefania’s story, she reacted promptly and embarked on a life adventure. She left her secure job, kicked-off her trainings as a yoga teacher, a nutrition and health coach, and started her own company. Beside that, she started living by what she was preaching. She modelled her own lifestyle based on what she was learning, began living mindfully and empowering others to do the same. We recently became “Headspace buddies” and poke each other to make sure we both meditate daily. I have attended her yoga class Gentle Flow at the studio Saga Yoga and I loved it. Her calm voice guides you, her warm sense of humour reminds you not to take life too seriously. Before attending her class, I was nervous. Yoga sounded like something a “pregnant-in-heels” kind of mom would do, while I am in sweatpants on my best days. In her class, I didn’t feel out of place. It was intimate, relaxed, and I loved that she gave us the opportunity to adapt every exercise to our needs (and flexibility!). When I shared more about my health issues, she gifted me with precious advice and allowed me to transition from a powerless and passive state, to feel I still had a chance to be in charge of my body. Her holistic and individual approach can really shift the game.

Stefania currently has a regular mother-baby yoga class at Bay Helsinki on Mondays 9:30-10:30 for new mothers. I think back of when I had my daughter and I would have loved an activity where I would meet other moms and where I would be able to feel in charge of my body as well as take care of it. She also offers classes to corporate clients. Think how amazing it would be to break or conclude your work day with a hour yoga! You also have your team day activity served on silver plate here. She works also as an individual health coach. Her clients simply want to feel good, maybe they have some small joint pain they cannot get rid of, or they don’t feel well and don’t know where to start to feel better.


Mother and baby yoga class. Pic: Stefania Yoga and Wellness

I am so impressed and inspired by how Stefania took charge of her life and did not simply turn her head the other way. That’s what I wish also for myself and, frankly, for all of us who don’t feel fulfilled with their lives but are too confused or scared to do something about it. It’s never too late to take ownership of you life!

If you feel Stefania can help you, you can reach her through her website, her Facebook page or her Instagram account (follow her, her posts are uplifting!). You can also attend one of her classes at Saga Yoga (maybe we’ll meet there) and Bay Helsinki.

Many thanks to Stefania for allowing me to share her story. I hope you will find inspiration in it like I did.


  1. Finally Mallorca

    December 13, 2018 at 1:21 pm

    Proprio quest’anno ho finalmente lasciato la Svezia e cambiato vita totalmente. Spero di non dover tornare indietro 🙂

    1. theelephantmum

      December 13, 2018 at 7:55 pm

      Che bello aver trovato un’altra italiana all’estero, che tra l’altro ha avuto un assaggio di Paesi nordici :D.

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