Growing Up in a Multicultural Family

Since when I became a mother, I’ve kept wondering how will our multicultural family influence our children’s cultural identity. Adopting our son from India has added a new layer to this. How will R and E culturally define themselves as adults? What actions can I take as a parent to help them navigate through their identity building journey? I am blessed with many friends from other countries and cultures, and some of them were so kind to share their story with me for my blog series “Growing up in a multicultural family“.
Would you like to share your story? I’d love to interview you! Anonymity can be granted upon request.
Tags: #GUMF #GUMFseries

A mixture of two cultures: Raj’s story
Transitioning from Chinese to Finnish culture: Ping’s story
Multiculturalism as a child and as a mother: Katerina’s experience
Parallel identities: Kasia’s story


  1. Growing up in a multicultural family. Parallel identities: Kasia's story • The Elephant Mum

    March 27, 2019 at 1:24 pm

    […] Since when I became a mother, I’ve kept wondering how will our multicultural family influence our children’s cultural identity. Adopting our son from India has added a new layer to this. How will R and E culturally define themselves as adults? What actions can I take as a parent to help them navigate through their identity building journey? I am blessed with many friends from other countries and cultures, and some of them were so kind to share their story with me for my blog series “Growing up in a multicultural family”. […]

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